Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why Did I Start This Page

[Originally shared on Facebook 2/9/2013]

Depending on how you emphasis the question this is a two-sided coin. If you are one who is concerned how people perceive your words, you always want to please everyone, you worry someone will take offense then the emphasis might be on "oh WHY did I start this page and I am so sorry I did?"

On the other hand, if you are trying to learn to move away from that previous person, you want to share the blessings pottery has brought, you try to open yourself up to allow others to see what only those who truly know you see then it is the kind of question I want to try to answer.

When I originally started the page 2 years ago I thought to treat it as a business. I needed to make money from it to be able to continue putting the energy into promoting and selling. I took a 2 year break from Corporate America, although I still contracted part-time to pay the bills, and focused on making pottery. Then last year I had a major setback as my mother, 85 years old, was knocked flat at a dog show and broke her back. It reset my priorities. She is well and healing today. During this time my pottery page was neglected but I would not trade a minute of being able to be there and help her and my dad when they needed me.

Following closely on the heels of my mother's health crisis my husband had to have his own neck surgery to correct a bone graft that never healed. Little did we know the difficulties he would face from this surgery. During that same time frame I was asked if I would like to come on fulltime with the company I worked with already. There are many complaints about the corporate world but truth be told I love the team I work with, I love the job I do, I love the varied customers I meet BUT did I want to give up so much of my time and limit my pottery & photography. I come back to "Why did I start..." I needed to answer that question honestly.

My answer? I like having a job that allows me to be my own benefactor. I do not have to make financial decisions based on what someone might buy. I do not have to make decisions based on someone else’s criticism which you run into anytime you sell. I DO get to meet those who enjoy something I am passionate about. I DO get to meet many from so many different walks of life and they love something I have done. That creates a connection I enjoy.
Why did I start this page? Look where it has led me